A Review of the Stratigraphy of the Ogallala Formation and Revision of Neogene (“Tertiary”) Nomenclature in Kansas


  • Greg A. Ludvigson Kansas Geological Survey
  • Robert S. Sawin Kansas Geological Survey
  • Evan K. Franseen Kansas Geological Survey
  • W. Lynn Watney Kansas Geological Survey
  • Ronald R. West Emeritus Professor, Kansas State University
  • Jon J. Smith Kansas Geological Survey




The member names for the Ogallala Formation (including the Valentine, Ash Hollow, and Kimball) in Kansas of Zeller (1968) are abandoned. The Ogallala Formation in Kansas includes strata of Miocene and earliest Pliocene age, revising earlier correlation to the Pliocene only (Zeller, 1968). The Kansas Geological Survey is abandoning use of the term "Tertiary," to be replaced by the term "Neogene." International stage boundaries for the Neogene have not been established in Kansas.


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How to Cite

Ludvigson, Greg A., Robert S. Sawin, Evan K. Franseen, W. Lynn Watney, Ronald R. West, and Jon J. Smith. 2009. “A Review of the Stratigraphy of the Ogallala Formation and Revision of Neogene (‘Tertiary’) Nomenclature in Kansas”. Current Research in Earth Sciences, no. 256 (December): 1-9. https://doi.org/10.17161/cres.v0i256.11812.