Gregor V. Sarkisian, Kristen H. Walter, Giovanni Martínez, Philip B. Ward Introduction to the Special Issue on Surf Therapy Around the Globe PDF
Elizabeth Benninger, Chloe Curtis, Gregor V. Sarkisian, Carly M. Rogers, Kailey Bender, Megan Comer Surf Therapy: A Scoping Review of the Qualitative and Quantitative Research Evidence PDF
Jamie Marshall, Brendon Ferrier, Philip B. Ward, Russell Martindale “When I was surfing with those guys I was surfing with family.” A Grounded Exploration of Program Theory within the Jimmy Miller Memorial Foundation Surf Therapy Intervention PDF
Easkey Britton, Gesche Kindermann, Caitriona Carlin Surfing and the Senses: Using Body Mapping to Understand the Embodied and Therapeutic Experiences of Young Surfers with Autism PDF
Nicholas P. Otis, Kristen H. Walter, Lisa H. Glassman, Travis N. Ray, Betty Michalewicz-Kragh, Cynthia J. Thomsen Effects of PTSD and MDD Comorbidity on Psychological Changes during Surf Therapy Sessions for Active Duty Service Members PDF
Gregor V. Sarkisian, Chloe Curtis, Carly M. Rogers Emerging Hope: Outcomes of a One-Day Surf Therapy Program with Youth At-Promise PDF
Paulo Gomes, Nuno Fazenda, Diego Gomez-Baya, Mary Elizabeth Rauktis, Grace Provost Surf.Art in Portugal: Daring, Accomplishing and Transforming Portuguese Youth and Their Communities PDF
Hannah Devine-Wright, Cath Godfrey The Wave Project: Evidencing Surf Therapy for Young People in the UK PDF
Hanneke van Ewijk, Marjolein Wansink-Lokerman, Andreas Lamerz, Suzanne van den Broek Positive Effects of Surfing on Psychological Wellbeing for Children with Developmental Difficulties PDF
Nicci van der Merwe, Paula Yarrow More than Surfing: Inclusive Surf Therapy Informed by the Voices of South African Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder PDF
Lisa Olive, Rachael Parker, Madeleine Dober, Cameron Drake, Michael Keith, Rohan Telford Intervention Mapping: Using Theory and Evidence to Inform the Ocean Mind Surf Therapy Program for Improving Youth Mental Health PDF
Kristen H. Walter, Gregor V. Sarkisian, Giovanni Martinez, Philip B. Ward Surf Therapy Practice, Research, and Coalition Building: Future Directions PDF