Exploration of the Source-Impression Relationship in Warranting Theory

Other-Generated Content, Perceptions of Warranting Value, and Weight


  • Maura Cherney Northeastern Illinois University




warranting, warranting value, impression, weight, source


Many early studies of warranting theory investigated the role of source, often self-generated and other-generated content, in the impression formation process but did not explicitly test perceptions of warranting value and sometimes were met with mixed results. The present study revisits the source-impression relationship and offers explicit tests of some of the assumptions of past warranting theory literature. An additional variable in the impression formation process, weight, is proposed as a potential explanation for past mixed results. The present study finds support for warranting theory in the impression students form of an instructor. Other-generated content has a greater impact on impressions and is higher in warranting value than self-generated content. The role of warranting value and the role of weight in the source-impression relationship is not supported. Implications for the general support of warranting theory but lack of support for clarifying variables are discussed.




How to Cite

Cherney, M. (2023). Exploration of the Source-Impression Relationship in Warranting Theory: Other-Generated Content, Perceptions of Warranting Value, and Weight. Human Communication & Technology, 3(2). https://doi.org/10.17161/hct.v3i2.18828