Sport Commitment, Occupational Commitment and Intent to Quit Among High School Sports Officials


  • Christopher R. Barnhill Louisiana State University
  • J. Michael Martinez Louisiana State University
  • Damon P. Andrew Louisiana State University
  • Wes Todd Auburn University



Sport officials, occupational turnover, occupational commitment, sport commitment


This study sought to examine the issue of attrition among high school sport officials by exploring turnover intentions through the lenses of occupational and sport commitment. A questionnaire was distributed via email to high school sport officials in the southeastern United States. The data was analyzed via hierarchical multiple regression, revealing that affective occupational commitment and sport commitment are negatively correlated predictors of occupational turnover intentions. Implications for practitioners and avenues for future scholarship are conferred.


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How to Cite

Barnhill, C. R., Martinez, J. M., Andrew, D. P., & Todd, W. (2018). Sport Commitment, Occupational Commitment and Intent to Quit Among High School Sports Officials. Journal of Amateur Sport, 4(1), 1-23.