First assessment of age and sex structures of elephants by using dung size analysis in a West African savannah
African Elephant, Age structure, sex ratio, dung circumference analysis, Burkina FasoAbstract
1. An age and sex structure study of the West African savannah elephant (Loxodonta africana africana) population of the Nazinga Game ranch (Burkina Faso) was carried out using direct sightings of individuals near water points, where they group during hot periods of the day, and droppings circumference measurements of dung pile along line transects, during the dry seasons of 2007 and 2008. The age structure, from direct observation data, was estimated by classifying the individuals into 9 age-class-categories based on body size and eruption (length) of tusks.
2. The frequency distribution of number of individuals into the age-class-categories showed high similarity with the distribution of circumference measurements of dung-piles that the individuals were seen depositing. Fifty dung-piles measured soon after they were deposited (Class A) and after they dried (to class C) showed a significant difference between the circumference measurements in relation to the time elapsed between the measurements.
3. The frequency distribution of dung circumference classes of the observed elephants was similar to that of the dung-piles measured along the transects in 2008. Therefore, dung-piles measurements were used to estimate the Nazinga Game Ranch savanna elephant population’s age and sex structures at the end of dry seasons of 2007 and 2008. We advocated that the Nazinga elephant population consisted mainly of sub-adults.
4. The sex ratio was estimated to be in favour of females (1/2). The age-class-specific sex ratio was uneven for calves and young individuals, while being in favour of females with adults. Individuals of less than 1 year represented 6% of the population during the study period.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Emmanuel M Hema, Masimiliano Di Vittorio, Fabio Petrozzi, Luca Luiselli, Wendengoudi Guenda
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