Diatom and microarthropod communities of three airfields in Estonia – Their differences and similarities and possible linkages to airfield properties
airfields, soil, Oribatida, Collembola, diatoms, bioindicatorsAbstract
Even though airfields, which are often anthropologically modified natural areas, are continuously influenced by human activities, their soils are still dynamic ecosystems containing various habitats for microscopic groups of organisms which are often ignored. In this exploratory study, the microarthropod fauna, Collembola (Hexapoda) and oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida), and diatom (Bacillariophyta) flora were identified in three Estonian airfields, both runway sides and snow-melting sites were investigated. The communities of these airfields shared approximately 10–60% of the species belonging to each studied bioindicator group. The shared species were generally characteristic of a broad habitat spectrum. Communities were also characterized based on their species richness and diversity and in relation to location and the purpose of different airfield areas (e.g. snow-melting sites vs. runway sides). Also, species indicative of a specific airfield or purpose of the area within the airfield were identified using Indicator Species Analysis. Some possible linkages between airfield properties and communities, e.g. airfield that had highest pollutant concentrations had also maintained high diversity and species richness, were noted. Despite the contamination levels the airfield soils had still maintained a functioning soil ecosystem.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Piret Vacht, Annely Kuu, Liisa Puusepp, Tiiu Koff, Sander Kutti, Jane Raamets, Liisa Kuttim

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