Alien shades of grey: New occurrences and relevant spread of Sciurus carolinensis in Italy


  • Emiliano Mori
  • Rachele Amerini
  • Giuseppe Mazza
  • Sandro Bertolino
  • Roberto Battiston
  • Andrea Sforzi
  • Matti Menchetti



alien species, distribution range, Eastern grey squirrel, Eurasian Red squirrel, impacts, Sciiurus vulgaris


The eastern grey squirrel is listed among the worst invasive species throughout the world. This species of American origin is currently replacing the native Eurasian red squirrel in most of the Great Britain, as well as in parts of Ireland and Italy. It may debark trees and exert damages to woodlands and tree plantations. Therefore, its spread may be deleterious for biodiversity and environment, emphasising the need for a rapid detection in new areas of occurrence. In this work, we reported for the first time, the presence of new populations of this invasive species in Tuscany (Central Italy) and some updates and analyses regarding the status of this species in Veneto (North-Eastern Italy). Occurrences were collected through citizen-science contributory approach supported by photos, road-kills, and/or hair-tube sampling. Field investigations ad hoc were carried out in Veneto and Tuscany   to confirm the repeated reports in the surroundings of Arezzo and in the province of Siena. Although records can be possibly related to erratic or single individuals escaped from captivity, reproductive nuclei have also been detected in both regions, with the observations of juveniles and/or lactating females. The occurrence of the  species in these regions is still scarce and localised, but considering the surrounding favourable wooded habitats, a rapid removal of the animals would be required to prevent their spread.


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How to Cite

Mori, E., Amerini, R., Mazza, G., Bertolino, S., Battiston, R., Sforzi, A., & Menchetti, M. (2016). Alien shades of grey: New occurrences and relevant spread of Sciurus carolinensis in Italy. European Journal of Ecology, 2(1), 13-20.