New records of invasive Parakeet hybrids in Spain. A great opportunity to apply the rapid response mechanism
Early Warning, Invasive species, Management, Psittacula Eupatria, Psittacula Krameri, rapid responseAbstract
Prevention, early warning and rapid response are the most effective measures in preventing the impacts of invasive species. The Rose-ringed Parakeet Psittacula krameri, is an invasive species widely spread across Europe, including Spain. The Alexandrine Parakeet Psittacula eupatria is also an invasive species established in Europe, but not in Spain, although a species distribution model classified parts of Spain as ‘highly suitable’ and an invasion risk assessment predicted a ‘high risk of invasion’ in Europe. The first hybrids from these two species were recently detected in Spain. Based on these data, we suggest to capture the hybrids to prevent further invasion and possible interaction with other invasive parakeets in Spain.
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