
  • Luca Luiselli Institute for Development Ecology Conservation and Cooperation
  • John Sebit Benansio
  • Johnson J. Balli
  • Daniele Dendi
  • Stephanie Ajong
  • Nic Pacini



fishing communities, Sudd swamps; White Nile river; fishing-down


A survey conducted in Terekeka, Mongalla (=Mongalla) and Gemmaiza (= Gemeiza), payams of Central Equatoria in South Sudan using face-to-face interviews, structured questionnaire and focused group discussion provided information on income generating strategies of fishing communities. These included: full time or part time fishing, small-scale farming, cattle breeding and firewood collection. Stationary gill nets were the dominant type of fishing gear, followed by  monofilament, hook and long line, cast nets, spears and harpoons. Fishing vessels included planked canoes, steel boats and fibreglass. The best fishing months were August, September, followed by May. Main species caught included large bodied potamodromous predators adapted to channel habitats, as well as floodplain migrants. Overall the fish community appeared to be at equilibrium, with no evidence of impacts due to excessive catch efforts. The good health of the White Nile fishery is related to the high resilience of South Sudanese aquatic ecosystems as well as to the low potential of fish capture in a country disrupted by war and lack of security.


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How to Cite

Luiselli, L., Benansio, J. S., Balli, J. J., Dendi, D., Ajong, S., & Pacini, N. (2021). FISH COMMUNITY COMPOSITION INDICATES LOW IMPACT OF CAPTURE EFFORTS IN WAR-TORN SOUTH SUDAN. European Journal of Ecology, 7(2).