Welcome to the (urban) jungle: notes on new science, biological evolution in cities


  • Berika Beridze a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:37:"Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań";} https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4189-5392
  • Mathieu Mahamoud-Issa
  • Mateusz Zmudzinski
  • Paula Antonina Bednarz
  • Zuzanna Karolina Filutowska
  • Bożena Sikora
  • Dominika Winiarska
  • Diego Carmona
  • Fabio Angeoletto




Urban evolution, Urban speciation, Paralell evolution, City ecology, Neutral evolution


The city – a modern jungle, where not cellulose and photosynthesis but concrete and combustion reign supreme. The question now being asked by urban planners, governments, and scientists is if it may stay like that and if it can stay like that or if it has to stay like that. Social, economic, cultural, historical, and legal factors are determinants in the ecology of urban ecosystems. Even well-managed cities are usually hostile toward non-human inhabitants. Furthermore, as with any complex system, the equilibrium is fragile, even if it exists. This publication outlines the co-evolution and ecology of humans and other species in the cities, their importance, and perspectives.


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How to Cite

Beridze, B., Mahamoud-Issa, M. ., Zmudzinski, M., Bednarz, P. A. ., Filutowska, Z. K., Sikora, B., Winiarska, D., Carmona, D., & Angeoletto, F. (2023). Welcome to the (urban) jungle: notes on new science, biological evolution in cities. European Journal of Ecology, 9(2). https://doi.org/10.17161/eurojecol.v9i2.19518