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About the Journal

Focus on Exceptional Children (FOEC) represents a unique opportunity for professionals concerned with the education of infants, toddlers, children, and youth with dis/abilities to publish on topics that warrant extensive discussion in the literature and are of critical importance to advancing the field. FOEC has filled this need with distinction for over forty years. Many faculty members and graduates of the Department of Special Education have published in Focus on Exceptional Children and have served on the national advisory board established by Stan Love of the Love Publishing Company to guide FOEC throughout its history. The Department of Special Education at the University of Kansas recognizes the leadership that Love Publishing Company provided over decades, championing the role of special education in addressing the difficult challenges that faced students with disabilities, their families, and the profession that served them.

To continue the work of Focus on Exceptional Children, the University of Kansas and the Department of Special Education propose to honor Stan Love’s legacy of making available internationally thoughtful, expansive articles that deal with the critical topics in our field. We pursue this opportunity with the consent and endorsement of the Love family to incorporate Focus on Exceptional Children as a central component of the department’s mission to communicate evidence based practices and to inform research, policies and ideas that impact the future.

Current Issue

Vol. 48 No. 1 (2024): Special Education Research NCSER, Mclaughlin
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