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Style Sheet | Book Review Guidelines | Transliteration Chart

Folklorica publishes materials in English. Authors are encouraged to translate their manuscripts into English prior to submission. Submissions in Slavic and East European languages may be considered if a translator is available.

Authors are encouraged to become members of SEEFA prior to submission, since the journal is made possible by member support.

Folklorica accepts original submissions only. Do not send a previously published article, even if it has appeared in another language.

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically (files in Microsoft Word (.doc NOT .docx) or RTF format sent as an email attachment).

Each article must be preceded by a 200-word abstract.

Please use minimum formatting, do not fully justify. Use endnotes, but do not use automatic numbering or automatic endnote generation.

Manuscripts normally should not exceed 35 pages in length (including endnotes). For more detailed information, see the Folklorica Style Sheet below.

Peer Review
All manuscripts will be submitted for evaluation to two outside reviewers. Reviewers are anonymous. Decision on publication normally
takes up to three months. Upon publication, authors will receive one complimentary copy of the journal.

All manuscripts should be addressed to:
The Editor, Benjamin Gatling
E-mail: bgatling@gmu.edu


Folklorica Style Sheet

I. General Form of the Manuscript:

1. Double-spaced throughout. No additional space between paragraphs. No paragraphs consisting of one sentence only.

2. Subheadings, if used, go flush left with the text.

3. Author’s full name, affiliated institution, city and country should appear on the first page only.

4. Bibliography or list of references must appear at the end. 

II. Specific Style Requirements:

1. Dates: use European System: e.g. 23 July 1936; use 1936-1938; use 1930s; for pre-1918 Julian calendar indicate whether you are using New or Old Style (N.S., O.S.).

2. Quoted material: Quoted material as long as one or two words should appear in transliteration followed by the English translation. Any quotes longer than two words should appear in the original language followed by English translation. Indicate the added translation with [brackets] not (parenthesis). Indicate any omissions from the quoted material with three ellipses...

3. Transliteration: use the Modified Library of Congress system of transliteration given at the end of this section.

4. Publication titles: in the text of the article, titles of books, articles, journal titles should be given in the original language at first mention,
along with the English translation; second and further mention will be in translation.

5. Citations in the text.
Books: Author (transliterated if originally in Cyrillic) date. For example: [Novitskii 1997]

Pages in a book or journal: Author date: page number(s). [Novitskii 1997: 17-35]
If there is more than one citation by the author in one year add a, b etc. [Novitskii 1997a: 47].

6. Spelling: use US spelling.

7. The first time a person is mentioned give first name and last name. If first name is not known give initials.

8. Endnotes should be in parentheses after punctuation. 

9. Bibliography: Please use hanging indents. 

a. Books

For books published in English use the following format: Last name of author, first name. Date of publication. If there are two publications in the same year, list as 1989a and 1989b. Title of publication in italics. Place of publication: publisher. For example:

Buckman, Robert and Karl Sabbagh. 1993. Magic or Medicine: An Investigation on Healing and  Healers. Toronto: Key Porter Books Limited.

Edited books. For example:

Himka, John-Paul and Andriy Zayarnuyk, (eds.). 2006. Letters from Heaven: Popular Religion in Russia and Ukraine. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

A chapter from a book. For example:
Senie, Harriet F. 2006. “Mourning in Protest: Spontaneous Memorials and the Sacralization of Public Space,” in Spontaneous Shrines and the Public Memorialization of Death. Jack Santino, ed. New York, Palgrave MacMillan, 41-56.


Books published in Cyrillic: Name of author in transliteration (Last name, first name). Date of publication. Name of author in Cyrillic. Title of publication in Cyrillic (in italics) followed by translation into English. Place of publication: publisher. For example:

Vasylechko, Liubomyra. 2006. Василечко, Любомира. Таїна весільного обряду [Enigma of the Wedding Ritual]. Івано-Франківськ: Тіповіт.


A chapter from a book. For example:

Khagemeister, M. 2000. Хагемейстер, М. “Миф о заговоре против России” [The Myth of the Conspiracy against Russia], в Мифы и мифология в современной России [Myths and Mythology in Contemporary Russia]. Москва: АИРО-ХХ. 92-111.

b. Journal articles

Journal articles originally published in English use the following format: Last name of author, first name. Year of publication. “Title of the Article in Quotation Marks,” Title of the Journal volume (issue): pages. For example:

Klid, Bohdan W. 1991. “The Struggle over Mykhailo Hrushevs’kyi: Recent Soviet Polemics,” Canadian Slavonic Papers 33(1): 37-38.


Journal articles published in Cyrillic translate the article title. Do not translate the journal title. Omit place of publication and publisher and give the volume number, if appropriate, and the page numbers of the article. For example:

Lebina, Natalia. 2007. Лебина, Наталия. “Волосы и власть: советский вариант” [Hair and Power: The Soviet Variant], Теория моды: Одежда, тело, культура 4: 119-131.


Reprinted sources provide the original date of publication in brackets. For example:

Kulish, Panteleimon. 1994[1856-57]. Кулиш, Пантелеймон. Записки о Южной Руси [Notes about Southern Rus’]. Київ: Дніпро.


Translated sources provide the name of a translator. For example:

Frazer, James. 1980. Золотая ветвь [Golden Bough], transl. by М.К. Рыклин. Москва: Политиздат.

c. Web sources

Provide the name of the author, title, webpage address AND the date last consulted. For example:

Chernyshov, A. 1992. Чернишов, А. “Современная советская мифология” [Contemporary Soviet Mythology]. Cited by
http://www.ruthenia.ru/folklore/chernyshov1.htm. (consulted 7 July, 2008).

Citations in languages other than English which use the Latin alphabet, translate titles, as was done above for Cyrillic.


Social media sources. For example:

Provide the author of the post (the real name if known), followed by a screen name in parentheses. If only the screen name is known, use it in place of the author’s name. Follow with the year. In place of a title, use the title of the post or up to 160 characters, including spaces, in the original title case. Include the type of post, the social media service, and include a description if relevant (photo, video, etc.). Include the date with day, month, and year, and a time stamp if necessary and available. Finally, include the URL. For example:

Real name known:
O’Brien, Conan (@ConanOBrien). 2015. “In honor of Earth Day, I’m recycling my tweets.” Twitter, 22 April 2015, 11:10 a.m. https://twitter.com/ConanOBrien/status/590940792967016448.

Real name unknown:
/u/xXAdventXx. 2023. “Advent’s Amazing Advice: The Haunt, A Halloween-Themed One-Shot fully prepped and ready to go!” Reddit, 26 October 2023. https: reddit.com/r/DMAcademy/comments/17gzkcp/advents_amazing_advice_the_haunt_a/.


Arrange bibliography in alphabetical sequence by author. For authors whose names are in Cyrillic, please go by transliteration when determining alphabetical order. Please use a 3-em dash for subsequent bibliographic references with the same author or editor in lieu of repeating the author or editor's name. 

Book Review Guidelines

Length: 800-1200 words.
Format of entries: Author. Title in italics (series name, if applicable). Place: Publisher, year of publication. Additional features: Notes.
Bibliography. Glossary. Index. (if applicable in the order they appear). Number of pp. Price (cloth). Price (paper). ISBN number for each.

Doe, Jane. Introduction to Slavic Folklore (World Folklore Series). Boston, MA: Slavic Publishing, 2006. Notes. Bibliography. Index.
xv+314. $45.95 (paper). ISBN 0-123-456-789.

If the language is other than English provide a translation of the title. If the author’s name is in Cyrillic, provide a transliteration. Give the publication information in the original language as it appears in the book, do not transliterate.

Give the page number for all direct quotes in parentheses (179-81). No bibliography or footnotes; please incorporate into the text of the review.

Please end your review with your name, affiliation, city, country and email address left-justified

Direct all reviews and inquiries to:
Laura Olson Osterman
Book Review Editor, Folklorica
University of Colorado, Boulder
Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures
276 UCB, McKenna 129
Boulder, CO 80309-0276


Transliteration chart

А а A a К к K k Ш ш Sh sh
Б б B b Л л L l Щ щ (B) sht
В в V v М м M m (all others)shch
Ґ ґ G g Н н N n Ъ ъ (B) Ŭ ŭ
Г г (U, BR) H h О о O o (all others) ″
(all others)G g П п P p Ы ы y
Д д D d Р р R r Ь ь
Е е E e С с S s Э э E e (or) Ė ė
Ё ë Ё ë Т т T t Ю ю Iu iu
Є є Ie ie Ћ ћ (S) ć Я я Ia ia
Ж ж Zh zh У у U u    
З з Z z Ў ў Ŭ ŭ    
И и (U) Y y Ф ф F f    
(all others) I i Х х (M, S) h    
I i I i (all others) kh    
Ï ï Ï ï Ц ц Ts ts    
Й й I i Ч ч Ch ch    


B – Bulgarian | BR – Belorusian | M – Macedonian | S – Serbian | U – Ukrainian

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