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Vol. 13 No. 2 (2022)

Doing ethical research together: A communitarian toolkit for ethical research beyond borders

June 12, 2023


The toolkit for ethical research developed out of a research project that focused on establishing place-based, community-centred best practice in grand challenges-related research ethics, integrity and conduct. We held 5 roundtable events at The University of Edinburgh drawing together more than 200 researchers from 30 countries and more than 60 discipline areas. These conversations highlighted that we needed a clarifying worldview to support place-based, community-centred, ethical action at every stage of the research journey. In response, we created a toolkit - accessible and practical material to guide people involved in complex community-based research. This toolkit explores an ethical worldview for research and provides practical guidance and questions to consider at every stage of the research journey, from developing an ethical research question through to being accountable for the legacy of your research long after the project has concluded.