The Darwin Core extension for genebanks opens up new opportunities for sharing genebank datasets
Darwin Core, Darwin Core extension, genebank collections, germplasm, plant genetic resourcesAbstract
Darwin Core (DwC) defines a standard set of terms to describe the primary biodiversity data. Primary biodiversity data are data records derived from direct observation of species occurrences in nature or describing specimens in biological collections. The Darwin Core terms can be seen as an extension to the standard Dublin Core metadata terms. The new Darwin Core extension for genebanks declares the additional terms required for describing genebank datasets, and is based on established standards from the plant genetic resources community. The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) provides an information infrastructure for biodiversity data including a suite of software tools for data publishing, distributed data access, and the capture of biodiversity data. The Darwin Core extension for genebanks is a key component that provides access for the genebanks and the plant genetic resources community to the GBIF informatics infrastructure including the new toolkits for data exchange. This paper provides one of the first examples and guidelines for how to create extensions to the Darwin Core standard.Metrics
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How to Cite
Endresen, Dag Terje Filip, and Helmut Knüpffer. 2012. “The Darwin Core Extension for Genebanks Opens up New Opportunities for Sharing Genebank Datasets”. Biodiversity Informatics 8 (1).