About the Journal

KGS Bulletins are open-access, peer-reviewed publications of the Kansas Geological Survey, a research and service division of the University of Kansas. Bulletins constitute extensive research works, historical documentation, reference works with a long shelf life, or bibliographies, with an emphasis on Kansas geology.

The Kansas Geological Survey, established in 1889, operates under Kansas statute "…to make as far as possible a complete geological survey of the state of Kansas, giving special attention to any and all natural products of economic importance, in order to determine the character, location and amount of such products, and to prepare reports on the same. . . ." Throughout its history, the Survey has published a variety of books and maps on geology, minerals, and geohydrology pertaining to the state of Kansas.


Peer-review policy

All manuscripts are subject to at least two colleague reviews. Manuscripts by Kansas Geological Survey authors will be subject to external review. Authors may suggest potential reviewers, or manuscripts may be reviewed before submission by persons of the author's choice. In the latter case, the reviewers' comments and all pertinent correspondence must accompany the manuscript if the author wishes for such review to serve as the colleague review of the manuscript (i.e., the reviewers already contacted are the best or only qualified reviewers). The names of such reviewers should appear in the acknowledgments. The editor reserves the right to request additional opinions from reviewers of the editor's choice.