Evidence for orbital forcing of Middle Cambrian peritidal cycles: Wah Wah range, south-central Utah


  • Gerard C. Bond Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory
  • Michelle A. Kominz University of Texas
  • John Beavan Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory


We have applied a new method (gamma method) for constructing high-resolution age models to peritidal cycles in the Middle Cambrian Pierson Cove Formation (13 cycles) and the Trippe Limestone (40 cycles) exposed in the Wah Wah range, south-central Utah. Spectral analyses of the time series for the gamma age model indicate the presence of significant spectral peaks (relative to a null model) in both data sets. After experimenting with different assumptions for the duration of the mean primary or measured cycle, we found that for the Trippe data set assigning the mean duration of precession to the mean primary cycle produced a reasonably good correlation between the spectrum and the early Paleozoic estimate of insolation forcing. In particular, the periods of the three significant spectral peaks in the Trippe record correspond to estimated line periods for eccentricity and precession and a combination tone of precession. A spectrum for the Trippe cycles based on the conventional assumption that time is proportional to thickness contained only one significant peak, and reasonable estimates of the duration of the mean primary cycle produced a poor fit to the insolation model. Spectral results from the Pierson Cove cycles were less compelling, possibly because of the short length of the record. The presence in the Trippe spectrum of significant peaks with periods corresponding to high-frequency orbital variations suggests that preservation of high-frequency Milankovitch signals is more common than implied by models of shallow marine cyclicity based on Pleistocene sea-level records. The results of these spectral analyses suggest that the gamma method can be used to construct age models for peritidal carbonate cycles that are accurate enough to test for periodicity and deterministic mechanisms, even in rocks as old as the Cambrian.




How to Cite

Bond, G. C. ., Kominz, M. A. ., & Beavan, J. . (2024). Evidence for orbital forcing of Middle Cambrian peritidal cycles: Wah Wah range, south-central Utah. Bulletin (Kansas Geological Survey), 233, 294-317. https://journals.ku.edu/kgsbulletin/article/view/20464