Use of data loggers to investigate temperature trends above and below cover objects used by plethodontid salamanders


  • Emily Coscomb SUNY Morrisville
  • Talon Abrams SUNY Morrisville
  • Margaret Augustine
  • Samuel Casler SUNY Morrisville
  • Phillip Keville SUNY Morrisville
  • Collin Sullivan SUNY Morrisville
  • Eric H. Diefenbacher SUNY Morrisville



Amphibians utilize microhabitats to find refugia that will keep them functioning properly by regulating thermoregulatory behavior and for respiration. Microclimates of cover objects and the influence they may have in the selection of refugia by plethodontid salamanders are inherently difficult to study over long periods of time. Herein we provide a case study in which we used U23-003 HOBO Pro v2 2X Temperature Data Loggers to investigate temperature trends under and above cover objects selected by plethodontid salamanders in the field. Overall, data loggers were user-friendly for setup, deploymentt, and data offload and provided abundant data.


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How to Cite

Coscomb, E., Abrams, T., Augustine, M., Casler, S., Keville, P., Sullivan, C., & Diefenbacher, E. H. (2019). Use of data loggers to investigate temperature trends above and below cover objects used by plethodontid salamanders. Reptiles & Amphibians, 26(1), 80-84.