About the Journal

The Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology is a multi (> 50) volume encyclopedia of invertebrate paleontology that provides expert vetted data on the morphology, systematics, phylogeny, temporal, and spatial distribution of tens of thousands of fossil taxa that span hundreds of millions of years of geological time. This encyclopedia presents the knowledge derived and collected from large teams of internationally recognized, expert paleontologists. It includes more than 20,000 pages of text and 12,000 figures. 

The Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology provides morphologic, taxonomic, systematic, stratigraphic, and biogeographic information/data on organisms comprising all the “invertebrate” phyla with a significant fossil record, as well as certain unicellular organisms, e.g., “Protoctista”, “Protista”, and Eubacteria/Archaea. Entire volumes or individual chapters of each volume can be viewed and

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The Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology is published by the Paleontological Institute at the University of Kansas, and receives financial support from the Paleontological Society.