Vol. 56 No. Fall (2000): Cottonwood 56
Cottonwood 56

Cottonwood 56 features

Symposia on Legacies and the Future of the Race (John Edgar Tidwell and Carmaletta Williams)

Fiction by Colette Inez, Stephen Morison, Jr., Jennifer Moses, and Joanne Zimmerman

Poetry by Priscilla Atkins, Deborah Fleming, Gaynell Gavin, Lori Horvitz, Don Judson, Laurie MacDiarmid, Geri Radacsi, M. Spears, Larry D. Thomas, and Kathleen Wilker, and Chad Woody 

Review of Roy Morris, Jr.'s The Better Angel: Walt Whitman and the Civil War (Patrick Quinn)

Artwork by Butama Tobias

Full Issue
Cottonwood 56