Vol. 35 No. Spring (1985): Cottonwood 35: A Retrospective
Cottonwood 35: A Retrospective

Cottonwood 35: A Retrospective features

Non-Fiction by Thomas Fox Averill and Erleen Christensen

Fiction by Robert Day, Keith Denniston, Peter Desy, Rod Kessler, Edwin Moses, and Melissa Nolte

Poetry by Elmaz Abinader, Guri Andermann, Jack Anderson, Scott Cairns, Rick Campbell, Jared Carter, Erleen Christensen, Duane Clark, Victor Contoski, Judson Crews, Harley Eliott, Dave Etter, David Ewick, J. B. Goodenough, Steve Hahn, Jack Hand, Tom Hanson, Robert Harlow, Steven Hind, Diane Hueter, Michael Johnson, Susan Jordan, William Kloefkorn, John Knoepfle, Thea Liston-Clark, Dick Lourie, Denise Low, W. S. Merwin, William Page, Keith Ratzlaff, Norman H. Russell, Anita Skeen, Michael Smetzer, William Stafford, Rodney Torreson, William Trowbridge, and Chuck Wagner

Photography by John Blumb, Terry Evans, David Gremp, Earl Iversen, Bill Kipp, Larry Schwarm, and Lyle White

Artwork and Graphics by Tamara Dubin and Dan Massad