Examining Sport Team Identification, Social Connections, and Social Well-being among High School Students


  • Daniel L. Wann Murray State University
  • Paula J. Waddill
  • Matthew Brasher
  • Sagan Ladd




team identification, social connections, high school sport


Past research has found that sport team identification is positively correlated with social psychological health (Phua, 2012; Wann & Weaver, 2009) including work testing adolescent fans (Wann, Brasher, Thomas, & Scheuchner, in press).  The current study was designed to extend previous investigations by examining the relationship between team identification and the establishment and maintenance of social connections.  Data from 177 high school students confirmed expectations as identification with a high school football team was positively correlated with both social well-being and social connections.  However, social connections were not found to mediate the relationship between identification and well-being, contrary to the team identification – social psychological health model (Wann, 2006b).

Author Biography

  • Daniel L. Wann, Murray State University
    Professor of Psychology


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How to Cite

Wann, D. L., Waddill, P. J., Brasher, M., & Ladd, S. (2015). Examining Sport Team Identification, Social Connections, and Social Well-being among High School Students. Journal of Amateur Sport, 1(2), 27-50. https://doi.org/10.17161/jas.v0i0.4931