The Impact of Role Conflict on Job Satisfaction of Independent School Athletic Directors


  • Elizabeth Bradford Conant Regis College



Role Theory, Role Conflict, Job Satisfaction, Independent School Athletic Director



Role conflict and job satisfaction were measured for 56 independent school athletic directors whose schools were members of the New England Preparatory School Athletic Council (NEPSAC). Simple linear regression analysis was used to test if role conflict significantly predicted the NEPSAC athletic directors’ ratings of job satisfaction. Results of the simple linear regression revealed that job satisfaction was significantly predicted by role conflict. Results of a one-way analysis of variance revealed significant differences between the levels of programs served (middle school, high school-only, or combined middle and high school) for role conflict, but not for job satisfaction. It was also determined that no significant differences existed between athletic directors working at boarding schools versus day schools, or co-ed schools versus single-sex institutions, on either role conflict or job satisfaction.


Author Biography

  • Elizabeth Bradford Conant, Regis College

    Assistant Professor 

    Health and Fitness Studies Department


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How to Cite

Conant, E. B. (2017). The Impact of Role Conflict on Job Satisfaction of Independent School Athletic Directors. Journal of Amateur Sport, 3(1).