Attracting Spectators to Youth Sport Events: The Case of the International Children’s Games


  • Ryan Snelgrove University of Waterloo
  • Laura Wood University of Waterloo
  • Marijke Taks University of Ottawa
  • Luke Potwarka University of Waterloo
  • Daniel Wigfield, Dr. University of Waterloo



perceived value, uniqueness, youth sport


The purpose of this study was to determine whether perceptions of value of a youth sport event were predicted by a spectator’s sport identity, their connection to an athlete, and how their assessment of the event’s uniqueness affects these relationships. Data were collected from spectators (N=714) at the 2013 International Children’s Games using a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. Results provided support for an indirect only mediated model, such that spectators who highly identified with being a sports fan perceived the event as being valuable when they also viewed the event as unique. Having a personal connection to an athlete did not predict perceptions of uniqueness or value. Thus, purposefully selecting and designing unique events and promoting the unique attributes of the event could increase an event’s appeal to spectators who highly identify with the sport.

Author Biographies

  • Ryan Snelgrove, University of Waterloo

    Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies

    Assistant Professor

  • Laura Wood, University of Waterloo

    Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies

    Assistant Professor

  • Marijke Taks, University of Ottawa

    School of Human Kinetics


  • Luke Potwarka, University of Waterloo

    Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies

    Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Snelgrove, R., Wood, L., Taks, M., Potwarka, L., & Wigfield, D. (2019). Attracting Spectators to Youth Sport Events: The Case of the International Children’s Games. Journal of Amateur Sport, 5(2), 138-159.