Seismic-reflection study in Rice County, Kansas


  • Nelda L. Roehl Kansas Geological Survey
  • Ralph W. Knapp Kansas Geological Survey
  • K. David Newell Kansas Geological Survey


During the summer of 1983, a MiniSOSIE seismic-reflection study was conducted in Rice County in which an 11.2-km (7-mi) 12-fold common depth point (CDP) profile was shot to investigate several local structural and stratigraphic features. The seismic line was oriented east-west, perpendicular to the local structural grain. Several units, ranging from the Arbuckle through the Mississippian limestones, subcrop beneath the basal Pennsylvanian angular unconformity in this area. The subcrop pattern is dominantly north-south and is related to the eastward dip of these units off the Central Kansas uplift. Reflectors in excess of 1,070-m (3,500-ft) depth are detectable on the seismic profile. The deepest reflectors (0.850 secs) correspond to the Precambrian Rice Formation. Good reflectors occur in the lower Paleozoic section corresponding to a local limestone in the Chattanooga Shale and the subjacent Maquoketa-Viola formations. Several limestones in the Upper Pennsylvanian and Permian section also are good reflectors of seismic energy. Stratigraphic features such as local thinning or thickening and channel cuts can be detected in this part of the stratigraphic section. The Lyons anticline, a local north-south-trending structure currently used for gas storage, also is expressed on the seismic line. The seismic profile shows the structural history of this anticline to be long and complex. Initially, the anticline was a broad, symmetric feature possibly related to the formation of the Precambrian Keweenawan rift. Minor growth may have occurred prior to the deposition of the Chattanooga Shale. A third major period of movement occurred during Late Mississippian to Early Pennsylvanian time when a reverse fault developed on the west flank of the structure, thereby making the structure an asymmetric anticline. Minor structural movement occurred again subsequent to the development of the basal Pennsylvanian angular unconformity.




How to Cite

Roehl, N. L. ., Knapp, R. W. ., & Newell, K. D. . (2024). Seismic-reflection study in Rice County, Kansas. Bulletin (Kansas Geological Survey), 226, 81-93.