El teatro indigenista mexicano de los años veinte: ¿Orígenes del teatro popular mexicano actual?
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Palabras clave

Specific Literature
Mexican literature
Time Period
Literary Genre
Literary Theme
(treatment of) the indigenous
(of) Teotihuacán
(in) theatrical production
(by) Teatro Sintético Mexicano

Cómo citar

Ortiz Bullé Goyri, Alejandro. “El Teatro Indigenista Mexicano De Los años Veinte: ¿Orígenes Del Teatro Popular Mexicano Actual?”. Latin American Theatre Review, vol. 37, no. 1, Sept. 2003, pp. 75-93, https://doi.org/10.17161/latr.v37i1.1441.


This text provides a reconsideration of the theatre practices of the Teatro Sintético Mexicano or the Teatro Folklórico Mexicano and their different variations during the 20s. The objective is to corroborate the point that many of the experiences of present-day popular, indigenous or community theatre in Mexico have roots in those theatrical performances. (AOBG, in Spanish)
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All items © The Center of Latin American Studies and Caribbean Studies, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66045, U.S.A. Authors: If you prefer to remove your text(s) from this database please contact Dr. Stuart A. Day (day@ku.edu)


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