El jefe máximo de Ignacio Solares y la posmodernidad
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Specific Literature
Mexican literature
Time Period
Subject Author
Ignacio (1945- )
Subject Work
El jefe míximo (1991)
Literary Genre
(relationship to) postmodernist drama

Como Citar

Chacón Rivera, Tomás. “El Jefe máximo De Ignacio Solares Y La Posmodernidad”. Latin American Theatre Review, vol. 39, nº 2, março de 2006, p. 83-95, https://doi.org/10.17161/latr.v39i2.1538.


This essay examines postmodern aspects in the play El jefe máximo by Ignacio Solares. The drama presents constant transformations between performers and their historical characters, strong men of the Mexican postrevolution and their use of justice and power. Postmodern aspects arise through fragmented scenes that portray realities affecting the perception of characters and performers. The steady changes of scenes put into crisis, for example, padre Pro and Plutarco Elías Calles who also produce crisis in the performers. All of them interact between a paranormal manner and an intertextuality which creates a kind of fragmentation similar to a movie film. Personalities, performers, characters and events are thus affected by the fragmentation of the dramatic treatment of the play. (TCR, in Spanish)
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