Bee, microscopic view of hairs, Charles Michener, stingless bees

About the Journal

A Journal of Bee Biology, Ecology, Evolution, & Systematics

The Journal of Melittology is an international, open access journal that seeks to rapidly disseminate the results of research conducted on bees (Apoidea: Anthophila) in their broadest sense. Our mission is to promote the understanding and conservation of wild and managed bees and to facilitate communication and collaboration among researchers and the public worldwide. The journal encourages submissions in any area of melittology, particularly works on non-Apis bees. Manuscrips on Apis bees will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Each article receives a DOI. All nomenclatural articles are registered in ZooBank and conform to the latest standards of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, and the journal is archived in PORTICO (

The Journal is best viewed in FireFox or Chrome, and is indexed in Google Scholar and CAB International.

NOTES: The maximum size of papers processed via the normal means is presently 38 printed pages. Larger works are now possible but will take considerably longer time to process by our volunteer staff and so will experience longer turn-around times. 


Current Issue

No. 130 (2025): A new species of Duckeanthidium Moure & Hurd (Megachilidae: Anthidiini) from Colombia, with notes on D. thielei Michener in Panama
					View No. 130 (2025): A new species of Duckeanthidium Moure & Hurd (Megachilidae: Anthidiini) from Colombia, with notes on D. thielei Michener in Panama

A new species of Duckeanthidium from Colombia is described, along with biological notes on D. thielei from Panama.

Published: 20-02-2025
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