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Submissions to this journal are by invitation only. 

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Journal History

Since 1997, the Merrill Center has published The Merrill Series on The Research Mission of Public Universities. All publications are available online and in print.

These white papers represent exchanges between faculty and administrators who are committed to nationally-competitive research at their state schools. At the annual Merrill retreat, participants share best practices for supporting innovative faculty, building research programs between institutions, and enhancing institutional rankings.

Topics have included:

  • University research planning in the big data era
  • Building research infrastructure to plan for the future
  • The decline in support from state governments for their higher education institutions
  • Contributions scientists can make in the war on terrorism
  • How to build public advocacy for research
  • How to collaborate with business and increase R&D dollars
  • How to evaluate entrepreneurial faculty and give credit to programs that train scientists for industry
  • Should funding by the National Institutes of Health be considered the gold standard?
  • Should administrators target niche programs in their quest for excellence?
  • How has graduate education changed as the university becomes more entrepreneurial?