About the Journal


Midcontinent Geoscience is an open-access and peer-reviewed publication of the Kansas Geological Survey, a research and service division of the University of Kansas. The journal publishes a broad array of original research covering all branches of geology with emphasis on the midcontinent region of the United States, including the Great Plains and Central Lowland provinces.


The Kansas Geological Survey (KGS) has been known for publishing high-quality geoscience research since the late 19th Century. In 2020, Midcontinent Geoscience replaced the previous KGS geoscience journal, Current Research in Earth Sciences (ISSN: 2157-9970). Current Research had been in existence since 1993 and published solely as an electronic journal since 1999. Previous articles of Current Research were collated annually and formed part of the KGS Bulletin series.

Benefits to authors

In addition to being free for authors, Midcontinent Geoscience also provides the following benefits:

  • MG is an on-line, open-access journal.
  • Authors retain full copyright (see copyright policy).
  • MG does not charge per-page fees.
  • MG does not charge fees for color figures.
  • MG does not impose limits on pages, figures or tables (though MG aims for “articles” not “monographs”—see KGS Bulletin series for monograph publishing).
  • Articles are professionally edited by the KGS technical editor
  • Publications are available on the MG webpage at KU Libraries and are archived in Portico.
  • MG and KU webpages are crawled daily by internet search engines for quick visibility.

Peer-Review Policy

Manuscripts from external authors will be reviewed by either the MG Editor or an Associate Editor, depending on the subject matter, and at least one external expert. Manuscripts from KGS authors will be reviewed by at least two external experts.