Diagenesis of Hunton Group Carbonates (Silurian) West Carney Field, Logan and Lincoln Counties, Oklahoma, U.S.A.
carbonate diagenesis, dolomitization, dolomite, Silurian, Oklahoma, petroleumAbstract
The West Carney Hunton Field (WCHF) is an important oil field in central Oklahoma. Deposited during a series of sea-level rises and falls on a shallow shelf, the Cochrane and Clarita Formations (Hunton Group) have undergone a complex series of diagenetic events. The Hunton section of the WCHF comprises dolomitized crinoidal packstones, brachiopod “reefs” and grainstones, thin intervals of fine-grained crinoidal wackestones, and infrequent mudstones that were diagenetically affected by repeated sea-level change. Widespread karst is evidenced by multiple generations of solution-enlarged fractures, vugs, and breccias, which extend through the entire thickness of the Hunton. Karst development likely occurred during sea-level lowstands. Partial to complete dolomitization of Hunton limestones is interpreted to have occurred as a result of convective circulation of normal seawater during sea-level highstands. Open-space-filling calcite cements postdate dolomitization and predate deposition of the overlying siliciclastic section, which comprises the Misener Sandstone and Woodford Shale. Petrographic evaluation and carbon and oxygen isotope values of the calcite cements suggest precipitation by Silurian seawater and mixed seawater and meteoric water. Carbon and oxygen isotopic signatures of dolomite may have been partially reset by dedolomitization that was concurrent with calcite cementation. Fluid inclusions in late diagenetic celestite crystals observed in the Clarita Formation indicate that the WCHF was invaded by saline basinal fluids and petroleum after burial, during later stages of diagenesis. The timing of late diagenetic fluid flow and petroleum generation likely was during the Ouachita orogeny, which was occurring to the south. There is no evidence that late diagenetic fluids significantly altered the dolomite reservoir that formed earlier. The WCHF provides an ancient example of early diagenetic dolomitization by seawater that remains relatively unaltered by later diagenetic events.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Cesar Silva, Brian J. Smith, Jordan T. Ray, James R. Derby, Jay M. Gregg

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