Sobre a Revista

Undergraduate Research Journal for the Humanities is a student-run, student-reviewed, and student-published annual academic journal for undergraduates at KU to publish their research in the Humanities. It was established in 2016 by outstanding alumna Savannah M. Pine. Its goal is to provide a venue for undergraduates to publish their research in the Humanities and to promote the viability and brilliance of the Humanities. We define Humanities as one of our Partners' subjects, international studies, and interdisciplinary studies. Submissions can be class assignments, independent research projects, or parts of senior theses. 

Every submission goes through the URJH two-round peer review process. The student editorial committee reviews submissions during the first round. The Editor-in-Chief returns the approved submissions to their respective authors to revise and resubmit. The student editorial committee and faculty editors review the resubmissions and decide which ones to publish. The Editor-in-Chief returns the chosen submissions so that authors can make small changes based on student and faculty editors' comments.

In 2021, URJH changed its name to Zenith!  Undergraduate Research Journal for the Humanities.  Starting with v.5, all new issues can be found on the Zenith! website


Logo © Jacob Carter 2016