
  • Editorial


    The choice of the concept of “resistance” to the inaugural issue of Aion. Journal of Philosophy and Science is no accident. It comes in line with Aion’s commitment to developing its critical activity and presence in the public space. 

    It also matches Aion’s aim at focusing on concepts and topics of critical importance in the present time. Our current situation is such that, on the one hand, the conditions for thinking differently and for putting in practice new forms of life are being dramatically reduced, and yet, on the other hand, we witness an increase of active resistance in diversified forms, cultural contexts and geographies (in civil and political realms as well as in artistic and scientific practises). This situation creates the urgency of revisiting the concept of resistance, its possible meanings, its differences face to similar terms, not exactly synonyms, such as dissidence, contestation, protest campaign, social movement, civil disobedience, insurrection, revolt, rebellion, rejection, and resilience, adaptability, flexibility, reaction, opposition, reluctance, etc. Terms that are repeatedly used to designate the varied forms of resistance put forward by individuals (Nelson Mandela), restricted groups of activists (Greenpeace) and large social movements (MeToo) against the control devices, the abuses, the injustices, the discriminations present in the societies we live in, that is, terms that require urgent philosophical inquiry. 

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