Book Review

Powerful Literacy in the Montessori Classroom: Aligning Reading Research and Practice


  • Susan Feez University of New England



Montessori education, science of reading


A century on, as young children in Montessori classrooms around the world continue to engage with Sandpaper Letters, Metal Insets, Moveable Alphabets, and Reading Command cards, an accumulation of studies into how children learn to read from across a range of
disciplines has generated an influential body of research evidence that has been dubbed the science of reading. The science of reading is currently being used to shape education policy and mandated curriculum documents, especially in the English-speaking world. For this reason, the comparative analysis of the Montessori approach and the science of reading presented in Powerful Literacy in
the Montessori Classroom: Aligning Reading Research and Practice will be welcomed by many Montessori educators.


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Feez , S. (2023). Book Review: Powerful Literacy in the Montessori Classroom: Aligning Reading Research and Practice. Journal of Montessori Research, 9(2).