The Montessori Method, and the Neurosequential Model in Education (NME)

A Comparative Study



Palabras clave:

Montessori Method, The Neurosequential Model in Education (NME), Sensitive periods in development, neuroscience and Montessori


The Neurosequential Model in Education (NME) is described as a developmentally sensitive and biologically respectful approach to development and learning. This paper postulates that the NME shares many commonalities with the Montessori Method in that it, too, is developmentally sensitive and adheres to biologically respectful concepts. This paper compares some of the core principles and recommended practices of the NME with those in the Montessori Method and argues that they share many commonalities. The paper also examines Dr. Montessori’s unique use of “sensitive periods” in development for educational purposes, in particular her use of the sensitive periods for movement, the social aspects of life and the sensitive period for order respectively. It argues that in doing this she was actively promoting an approach to human development and education that appears to correlate with what Dr. Bruce Perry calls a developmentally sensitive and biologically respectful approach to learning. The goal of this study is to show the science behind why many of Dr. Montessori’s original practices worked and had such a positive effect on children. This knowledge should empower Montessori educators and give them the confidence to promote authentic Montessori practices in the knowledge that they are in line with current neuroscientific theories that have been shown to be beneficial to children.



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Cómo citar

Phillips, B. (2022). The Montessori Method, and the Neurosequential Model in Education (NME): A Comparative Study. Journal of Montessori Research, 8(2), 33-43.