Maria Montessori and the Mystery of Language Acquisition



Palabras clave:

Montessori, Wittgenstein, first language acquisition


Maria Montessori’s work remains popular and influential around the world. She provided fascinating descriptions of her observations of children’s learning. Yet at the heart of her work is a lacuna: the issue of how children learn their first language. For Montessori, it was a marvel, a miracle—but a mystery. We argue that the later philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein offers a way forward. With the clearer view offered by Wittgenstein’s reminders, we propose that Montessori’s work can be reevaluated to better understand Montessori’s contribution, child development and, in particular, how children acquire a first language.

Biografía del autor/a

  • Stephen Newman, Leeds Beckett University

    Dr Stephen Newman is Senior Lecturer in Education in the Carnegie School of Education at Leeds Beckett University, UK. His research interests include the later philosophy of Wittgenstein and its application to many aspects of education.

  • Nathan Archer, Leeds Beckett University

    Dr Nathan Archer is Director of the International Montessori Institute in the Carnegie School of Education at Leeds Beckett University, UK. He has a professional background as a Montessori primary teacher and has researched early childhood education policy and practice.


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Cómo citar

Newman, S., & Archer, N. (2024). Maria Montessori and the Mystery of Language Acquisition. Journal of Montessori Research, 10(1).