Mortarboard Review

Montessori-Related Dissertations, 2023


  • Joel Parham University of Kansas; JRP Consulting & Research
  • Jennifer Moss Emporia State University
  • Katie Keller Wood CMStep: Cincinnati Montessori Secondary Teacher Education Program


Mots-clés :

Montessori research, Montessori dissertations, antibias and anti-racist, ABAR, teaching practices, equity in education, public Montessori education, learning environments, teacher training


This is the second article in an ongoing series, published annually, highlighting a selection of English-language dissertations from the previous calendar year related to Montessori philosophy and education. Thirteen doctoral dissertations completed and approved during the 2023 calendar year were identified. The authors selected three dissertations to spotlight because they represent high-quality research in an area that is relevant to the current educational landscape: antibias and anti-racist (ABAR) educational practices.

Biographie de l'auteur

  • Joel Parham, University of Kansas; JRP Consulting & Research

    Joel Parham is an Affiliate Researcher at the University of Kansas and owner of JRP Consulting & Research. He has a Bachelor of Science in Sociology and a Master of Library and Information Science. His research interests include the historical diffusion of the Montessori method of education, and the American Montessori movement. Joel is also the creator of the Montessori Bibliography Online – – which he regularly maintains.


Bass-Barlow, K. (2023). Examination of Montessori training: Experiences of People of Color in public and charter Montessori schools [Doctoral dissertation, Arkansas State University].

Canzoneri-Golden, L., & King, J. (2020). An examination of culturally relevant pedagogy and antibias-antiracist curriculum in a Montessori setting [Doctoral dissertation, Lynn University].

Canzoneri-Golden, L., & King, J. (2023). Montessori education and critical race theory in the United States. In A. K. Murray, E.-M. Tebano Ahlquist, M. K. McKenna, & M. Debs (Eds.), The Bloomsbury handbook of Montessori education (pp. 503–511). Bloomsbury Academic.

Cooper, J. (2022). Searching for equity in education: A qualitative study examining the experiences of African American families in accessing and financing Montessori education [Doctoral dissertation, Saint Joseph’s University].

Cossentino, J. (2009). Culture, craft, & coherence: The unexpected vitality of Montessori teacher training. Journal of Teacher Education, 60(5), 520–527.

D’Cruz Ramos, G. O. (2023). Critical Montessori education: Centering BIPOC Montessori educators and their anti-racist teaching practices [Doctoral dissertation, University of Maryland].

Debs, M. (2019). Diverse families, desirable schools: Public Montessori in the era of school choice. Harvard Education Press.

Freire, P. (1968). Pedagogy of the oppressed. Seabury Press.

Giroux, H. A. (1988). Schooling and the struggle for public life: Critical pedagogy in the modern age. Minnesota University Press.

Giroux, H. A. (2011). On critical pedagogy. Bloomsbury.

Hammond, Z. (2015). Culturally responsive teaching and the brain: Promoting authentic engagement and rigor among culturally and linguistically diverse students. SAGE.

Hammons, M. S. (2023). Antiracist pedagogy in White spaces: An exploration of antiracist White teachers and their commitment to create antiracist classrooms [Doctoral dissertation, San Francisco State University].

hooks, b. (1994). Teaching to transgress: Education as the practice of freedom. Routledge.

hooks, b. (2003). Teaching community: A pedagogy of hope. Routledge.

McLaren, P. (1989). Life in schools: An introduction to critical pedagogy in the foundations of education. Irwin Publishing.

McLaren, P. (2016). Pedagogy of insurrection: From resurrection to revolution. Peter Lang.

Moquino, T. (2023). The need for Indigenous Montessori teacher education. In Equity examined: How to design schools and teacher education programs where everyone thrives (pp. 42–44). American Montessori Society.

Moquino, T., Walker, N., & Kitchens, K. (2023). Beyond authenticity: Indigenizing Montessori education in settler colonial United States. In A. K. Murray, E.-M. Tebano Ahlquist, M. K. McKenna, & M. Debs (Eds.), The Bloomsbury handbook of Montessori education (pp. 513–524). Bloomsbury Academic.

Schaeffer, K. (2021). U.S. public school students often go to schools where at least half of their peers are the same race or ethnicity.

Welch, A. M. (2023). Racial identity development in the early years: A Montessori student/educator’s autoethnographic study [Master’s thesis, California State University, Los Angeles].






Mortarboard Review

Comment citer

Parham, J., Moss, J., & Keller Wood, K. (2024). Mortarboard Review: Montessori-Related Dissertations, 2023. Journal of Montessori Research, 10(1).