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Contributions may take four forms:

  1. Empirical Research: Articles documenting findings from authors’ original research based on quantitative or qualitative data.  Manuscripts that report the results of experimental, descriptive, comparative, historical and ethnographic investigations are welcome.  
  2. Critical Reviews of the Literature: Reviews provide a synthesis of a particular topic based on previously published scholarly research and suggest new conclusions and recommendations for practice based on a critical analysis of existing literature.
  3. Theoretical Essay: Essays of a theoretical nature build on existing literature to link new theories to current thinking or to critically analyze current theories. Both approaches share the goal of expanding the theoretical foundation of Montessori education and research related to it.
  4. Scholarly Book Review: Reviews of scholarly books recently released by academic publishers or university presses provide readers with insights on important new contributions from experts in the field of education.

Format and style of submissions All submissions must be English, original and previously unpublished, either in print or in electronic format. Contributors acknowledge that manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Montessori Research will not be submitted for publication elsewhere while under review.


Due to the blind peer-review process, contributors should not include their names in the manuscript document itself. If available, authors should provide their ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) when submitting articles. More information available at

Manuscripts must be in Microsoft Word format and include an abstract of no more than 250 words. The entire document (including endnotes, tables, and references) should be double-spaced with one-inch margins. All manuscripts should be between 15 and 30 pages (approximately 3,500 to 7,500 words), including references and figures, with all figures at the end of the document. Journal of Montessori Research uses the APA (American Psychological Association) Style Guide, 7th Edition. Any manuscript not meeting these standards will be returned without consideration.

Form of Submission We require authors to submit their work using the journal's online submission system. For questions regarding submissions or the online submission system, please contact Angela Murray at

Graphics Submission Guidelines Electronic images are required in .JPG, PNG or .TIF format. We will not be able to use images/figures inserted in Word documents. As stated in the Guidelines for Ethical Montessori Research, photographic data will be collected with permission of participants, and authors are responsible for obtaining permission for any images they wish to use. If permission to reproduce the image is needed, we require the appropriate documentation granting that permission. Where necessary, the appropriate wording granting permission, which will be placed under the photograph or at the end of the article (“Reproduced by permission of . . . .,” etc.) should also be included.

Format for references For Indexing purposes the system will ask you to submit your reference list into the website during the submission process.  If available, the digital object identifier (DOI) of the published version of any works cited must be included. You MUST still include your full list of references in the MSWord file of your submitted manuscript.


Plagiarism Detection The journal actively checks for plagiarism through the use of SafeAssign software to review submissions for originality.


Article Processing Charges This journal does not charge APCs or submission charges.


Authors can see an overview of the submission process by watching this short YouTube video: 

Sjekkliste for innleveringen

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submitting authors’ ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) has been provided on the user's account profile (More information about ORCID is available at
  • Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) are provided for the published version of any works cited, if available.
  • All footnotes/endnotes are in Arabic numerals, not Roman numerals.
  • All figures and images are placed at the end of the manuscript.
  • The author agrees to not submit the manuscript for publication elsewhere while under review by Journal of Montessori Research.
  • The abstract is no longer than 250 words.
  • The author has not included acknowledgements in the review version of the manuscript.  Acknowledgements can serve to identify the author, so they may be added during the proofing process after blind reviews are complete.
  • The manuscript is a Word document that is double spaced, with 12 point font, page numbers, and 1" margins.
  • The author has removed all personally identifiable information in the manuscript. See Remove hidden data and personal information by inspecting documents, presentations, or workbooks (Link to Microsoft Support page)
  • The manuscript follows the APA 7th Edition Style Guide.
  • Upon acceptance of the article, the authors agree to the terms outlined in the Publication Agreement

Book Reviews

Reviews of scholarly volumes are invited by the editorial team for inclusion in the Journal of Montessori Research. Unsolicited book review submissions are not accepted; however, suggestions for appropriate publications to be reviewed and qualified reviewers can be emailed to the editor at for consideration.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.