New Issue

From the Editor

We are celebrating the start of the Journal of Montessori Research’s tenth year and are proud of the 69 articles we have published.

The spring 2024 issue includes three fascinating articles on a range of topics from language acquisition, Montessori fidelity, and educational pacifism. This issue also includes the second installment of The Mortarboard Review in which Joel Parham, Jennifer Moss, and Katie Keller Wood review doctoral dissertations completed during 2023 related to antibias and anti-racist (ABAR) educational practices.

In the first article, “Maria Montessori and the Mystery of Language Acquisition,” Stephen Newman and Nathan Archer suggest reevaluating Montessori’s work through the philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein to gain a better understanding of her contributions related to child development and first language acquisition.

Jaap de Brouwer, Vivian Morssink-Santing, and Symen van der Zee examine an assessment tool in the “Validation of the Teacher Questionnaire of Montessori Practice for Early Childhood in the Dutch Context.” They argue that it is especially important to develop robust measures of fidelity in the Netherlands because of the country’s history of flexible implementation of Montessori principles coupled with the fact that such measures do not yet exist in the country.

The third article is “Educational Pacifism and Montessori Education.” In exploring educational pacifism, Nicholas Parkin argues that the dominance of mass formal schooling systems unjustly harms many students and that Montessorians ought to be educational pacifists, meaning they should “. . . recognize, understand, and reject systematic educational harm and ensure that it does not occur in their own practice.” He concludes that Maria Montessori was an educational pacifist and that Montessori education should be viewed as a nonharmful educational alternative to mass formal schooling.

I hope you enjoy the spring 2024 issue.


Angela K. Murray, PhD

Editor, Journal of Montessori Research

Director, Center for Learner Agency Research and Action (CLARA)

Program Chair, AERA Montessori Education SIG



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