Submitting Reviews & Commentaries

Reviews:  Manuscripts review the practice of medicine, especially topics for which there is new evidence about management options. Reviews should be comprehensive and evidence-based.

We also welcome systematic reviews and meta-analyses. The links below provide guidance on the conduct and writing of a systematic review or meta-analysis.

Commentaries:  Manuscripts are expert opinion on timely issues in clinical practice, medical education, and health policy. These manuscripts represent appropriately referenced viewpoints of the author(s). See details below for submitting a commentary.

Details for the preparation of a review or commentary.

Evidence-based clinical reviews focus on clinical conditions that are encountered frequently by practicing physicians, with an emphasis on diagnosis and treatment of common, important diseases.

Title Page: The title page (page 1) should contain (1) a concise and informative title; (2) an identified short running head (short title); (3) the first name (spelled out), middle initial, and last name of each author with highest academic degree (s) and institutional affiliation; (4) email addresses of each author;(5) the name of the department(s) and institution(s) to which the work is attributed; (6) any disclaimer; (7) contact information for the corresponding author; (8) the source(s) of support in the form of grants, equipment, and/or drugs. If the work described in the manuscript has been formally presented at a scientific meeting, provide the name of the organization, date, and location of the meeting; and (9) a statement confirming that each author has reviewed and approved the content of the manuscript.

 Abstract: Not required.