A new species of Systropha from Thailand (Hymenoptera: Halictidae: Rophitinae)


  • Nicholai de Silva York University
  • Laurence Packer York University




Systropha, Rophitinae, Halictidae


Systropha sirikitae de Silva & Packer, new species, from Thailand is described and illustrated.  It is known only from the male.  Patiny & Michez’s (2006) key to males of Systropha is modified to permit its identification.  It would seem to be the second known species of the subgenus Systrophidia Cockerell.


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How to Cite

de Silva, N., & Packer, L. (2016). A new species of Systropha from Thailand (Hymenoptera: Halictidae: Rophitinae). Journal of Melittology, 61, 1-9. https://doi.org/10.17161/jom.v0i61.4721