Two new species of Epeolini from northern Chile, with the first record of Triepeolus for the country and a key to Chilean species of Doeringiella (Hymenoptera: Apidae)


  • Laurence Packer York University



Apoidea, Anthophila, Apidae, Nomadinae, Epeolini, Triepeolus, Doeringiella


Triepeolus cecilyae Packer, new species, and Doeringiella mamabee Packer, new species, both from the far north of Chile are described and illustrated.  Both are known from single male specimens despite considerable search effort in the area of their provenance.  The former species is the first of the genus recorded from Chile.  A key to the three species of Doeringiella Holmberg known from Chile is provided.  Caupolicana dimidiata Herbst is recorded as a likely host of D. gigas (Spinola).


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Author Biography

  • Laurence Packer, York University
    Professor of Biology


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How to Cite

Packer, L. (2016). Two new species of Epeolini from northern Chile, with the first record of Triepeolus for the country and a key to Chilean species of Doeringiella (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Journal of Melittology, 64, 1-11.