À propos de cette revue

Social Thought and Research (STAR) is an annual peer-reviewed publication edited by graduate students of the sociology department at The University of Kansas and is one of the few student-run sociological journals in the United States. STAR has published papers in a variety of sociological areas, including critical theory, authoritarianism, social movements, culture, sexuality, gender, globalization, and feminist cross-cultural research. Having previously published papers on a range of subjects by leading social thinkers, STAR continues to publish current issues in sociology as well as in interdisciplinary research, such as women’s studies, political science, anthropology, history, and American studies, and other topics of sociological interest. In addition to peer-reviewed articles, STAR publishes book reviews, research notes, and interviews with the guest speakers from The University of Kansas sociology department’s annual lecture series.

Aims and Scope

STAR seeks to publish current sociological, interdisciplinary, and social science-related research.

Social Thought and Research publishes work in all areas of social inquiry. We encourage theoretical, historical, and empirical contributions that attempt to bridge disciplinary boundaries and grasp social phenomena from a holistic perspective. While each volume has a theme, STAR also invites work that explores other topics, along with book reviews, research notes, teaching articles, critical literature reviews (that contribute to scholarship), and other original research. Review submission requirements here.

We welcome submissions from students, faculty, and independent researchers.

Please see our current call for papers.

Multiple Submission Policy: No manuscript may be submitted for review to Social Thought and Research that is currently under review by another journal.


Social Thought and Research is a peer-reviewed journal edited by graduate students in the Department of Sociology at the University of Kansas. STAR has been in publication since 1997.

Between 1977 and 1996, we were known as the Mid-American Review of Sociology, and from 1964 to 1976, the Kansas Journal of Sociology.

The Department of Sociology at the University of Kansas is the oldest in the United States, dating to 1890 when Frank Wilson Blackmar taught the first Elements of Sociology course at KU.


Copyright for articles in Social Thought & Research are held by the author. 

Open Access

Articles in Social Thought & Research are made available open access.

Publication Ethics Statement

This journal follows best practices for publishing and follows the Principles of transparency and best practice in scholarly publishing, including those outlined in the Publication ethics and related editorial policies, Peer Review and Advertising sections in the Principles.