Resistance as (Re)creation
DOI: clave:
resistance , creativity, dialogue , slow-life movement , Ernesto SabatoResumen
The paper analyzes creative aspect of resistance. Inspired by Ernesto Sabato’s book (2013) and Stéphane Hessel’s manifesto, we want to present some remarks on resistance as (re)creation from dialogical perspective, i.e. recreation of dialogical relation with oneself, with nature, with others and with spiritual beings. Firstly, following Sabato, we analyze resistance to vertigo as paramount disconnection caused by chaotic life that disintegrates every dialogical relationship. Secondly, we consider reclaiming time as a form of resistance and we present the slow movement as an act of resistance. Thirdly, we analyze analogies between two oppositions: stimulus vs. challenge and product vs. flower/fruit. Then we briefly refer to Reyes Mate’s project culture of memory as resistance to injustice and oblivion. In conclusions, we point out the role of analogy in dialogue and in resistance in art and protest.
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Derechos de autor 2024 Przemyslaw Krzywoszynski, Dr Katarzyna Gan-Krzywoszynska
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