Digital capitalism, subjectivation... and the end of resistance?
DOI :és :
digital capitalism , subjectivation , singularisation, standardisationRésumé
The paper examines how technological systems and digital capitalism have led to a deep integration between the market and individual/collective identities, and how processes of subjectivation are increasingly mediated through technological devices. The paper discusses the work of Lazzarato and Reckwitz, who provide a comprehensive analysis of the new social and political symptoms arising from digital capitalism and the production of subjectivity. The paper argues that Reckwitz's diagnosis should be complemented by recognizing the mutual reinforcement of singularization and standardization dynamics. Individuals actively participate in and reproduce dynamics of repetition, standardisation, and the pursuit of instant gratification and maximizing potential choices. Finally, we discuss some forms of resistance that are theoretically on offer, raising the pessimistic question of whether such resistance is still possible and by what means.
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