How to Co-Teach Like Dance Partners


  • Rebecca Alegre Applied English Center University of Kansas Lawrence, KS 66045
  • David Kapusta-Pofahl Applied English Center University of Kansas Lawrence, KS 66045



This article gives a brief overview of an Intensive English Program (IEP) elective class called “Connecting with Your Community,” which the authors developed together as way to teach new international students the basics of interacting with American college students, finding organizations and activities to join on an American university campus, and locating opportunities to get involved in the local city community. As the authors developed the course curriculum, they decided that co-teaching the class would offer the students more one-on-one attention as well has provide more authentic opportunities for discussion about American culture. Co-teaching, at first glance, can seem like a simple strategy; however, there are actually many factors to consider when entering a co-teaching relationship. Both instructors must be aware of the potential benefits and pitfalls of assuming equal responsibility over a group of students and be committed to the success of the course. It is imperative that instructors have a positive working relationship, establish their roles and responsibilities, arrange for co-planning time, and maintain the support of the administration (Friend 2008). This article offers tips about how to effectively and gracefully navigate any challenges that could arise while co-teaching in order to give everyone—both instructors and students—a positive and rewarding experience.


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How to Cite

Alegre, R., & Kapusta-Pofahl, D. (2018). How to Co-Teach Like Dance Partners. Issues in Language Instruction, 7(1), 23-27.