Examining Montessori Middle School through a Self-Determination Theory Lens: A Study of the Lived Experiences of Adolescents




Palabras clave:

Montessori, Adolescent Education, Narrative Analysis


This study examined the influence of enrollment on the development of self-determination in a Montessori middle school. Bounded by self-determination and student voice theory, this research was designed to give voice to students, add to the discourse on middle school reform, and provide the perspective of the student to the critique of middle level education.

Based on the analysis of narrative major themes indicated the importance of autonomy and relatedness. Students valued the ability to choose the order of their tasks and the tasks they could choose to demonstrate understanding as well as the ability to re-take tests. These changes require a paradigm shift to a student-centered learning environment.  

Biografía del autor/a

  • Luz Marie Casquejo Johnston, St. Mary's College
    Luz Casquejo Johnston, Ed.D, has been involved in Montessori education in every facet. She has been a student, parent, lower elementary teacher, served on the board of Montessori charter school and now serves as a Visiting Professor in Montessori Education at Kalmanovitz School of Education at St. Mary's College in California.



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Cómo citar

Casquejo Johnston, L. M. (2016). Examining Montessori Middle School through a Self-Determination Theory Lens: A Study of the Lived Experiences of Adolescents. Journal of Montessori Research, 2(1), 27-42. https://doi.org/10.17161/jomr.v2i1.4994