Proving Montessori: Identity and Dilemmas in a Montessori Teacher’s Lived Experience



Emneord (Nøkkelord):

Montessori, Early Childhood Education, Teacher Training, Critical Discourse Analysis, Phenomenology


This phenomenological case study was conducted to better understand the experience of a Montessori teacher in a leadership role. A veteran Montessori teacher, newly hired by an established Montessori preschool, was interviewed over the course of her first year in the position. A critical discourse analysis revealed multiple social identities that contributed to her desire, and ability, to be what she felt was an authentic Montessori educator. While some of these discourses and social identities aligned, some did not, creating ideational dilemmas that affected her work, relationships, and personal identity. The findings suggest that current Montessori discourse excludes important characteristics of the teacher-lived experience. Acknowledging and discussing the social challenges Montessori teachers face is a necessary addition to teacher preparation, teacher support systems, and Montessori leadership decisions.


  • Olivia Christensen, University of Minnesota

    Olivia Christensen is AMI primary trained and currently a doctoral student at the University of Minnesota in the department of Curriculum and Instruction. She teaches UMN undergraduate students, supervises UMN elemetary education practicum teachers, and is a CLASSroom Project research associate.  She is adjunct faculty for St. Catherine Unviersity's Advanced Montessori Programs. She teaches Introduction to Action Research and Integration Seminar to Montessori teachers earning a Masters of Arts in Education.

    Her research interests include early childhood education’s connection to social reform.


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Hvordan referere

Christensen, O. (2016). Proving Montessori: Identity and Dilemmas in a Montessori Teacher’s Lived Experience. Journal of Montessori Research, 2(2), 35-48.