Creating and Using an Anthology for English for Academic Purposes


  • Marcellino Berardo
  • Kellie Smith Herrod



We created an anthology for English for academic purposes (EAP), which includes a collection of chapters from different textbooks typically used in the sciences, humanities, and social sciences. We chose textbook chapters because our high-intermediate reading/writing students, mostly undergraduate students, will be exposed to textbooks in all of their freshman and sophomore courses. Some of these students are already taking two or more freshman-sophomore level courses. We chose disciplines from the sciences, humanities, and social sciences because our undergraduate students must fulfill KU Core requirements, which include courses in these fields. The content in the textbook chapters, however, is not the point of the anthology. The point of the anthology is to illustrate academic English in different disciplinary contexts. We use the anthology to teach students how academic concepts get expressed in English and to help students work with entire textbook chapters.


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How to Cite

Berardo, M., & Smith Herrod, K. (2018). Creating and Using an Anthology for English for Academic Purposes. Issues in Language Instruction, 3(2), 9-12.