Copyright for Undergraduates: Lessons Learned While Teaching a Semester-Length Online Course


  • Tammy Ravas Mansfield Library, University of Montana



Semester-length copyright classes for undergraduates that cover topics of general interest are few and far between.  However, considering the exponential growth of digital technologies as well as the amount of available information from year to year, such a class becomes increasingly relevant for this demographic.  Over the past several years, this author has taught “one-shot” library instruction classes and workshops in copyright for undergraduate and graduate students across different disciplines such as visual art, media arts, music, theatre, education, and business.  One hour, or one and a half hours, for a “one-shot session” was never enough time to cover all of the topics relevant to the particular audience.  In order to cover all of the necessary topics to help undergraduate students get a better understanding of how copyright law affects them, this author decided to offer a semester-length class on copyright with a multidisciplinary approach.


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How to Cite

Ravas, T. (2016). Copyright for Undergraduates: Lessons Learned While Teaching a Semester-Length Online Course. Journal of Copyright in Education & Librarianship, 1(1).