New Issue - Journal of Intercollegiate Sport




Our third and final issue this year for Journal of Intercollegiate Sport has been published. We had four excellent articles published in this issue. Each has been provided via link below. You’ll notice our new logos have been implemented for the first time in this issue. I’ll provide another update around the end of 2023 with journal statistics and various updates we have in the works. We'll try to have these posted on our new Twitter handle soon. In the meantime, if you could follow the handle (@JofInterSport), it would be much appreciated. Thanks again to the authors for our new articles, our editorial board, and guest reviewers.


Chasing Stars: Racial Tasking of Recruiting Responsibilities among Power-5 Football Coaches

Chris Corr, Trevor Bopp, Christopher Atwater, & Calvin Nite



Tutor Perceptions of Division I College Athletes

Molly Harry & Amanda Hoffman



The Upward Mobility Potential in U.S. Intercollegiate Athletics: A Critical Examination of NCAA Division I College Baseball Players’ Hometown Demographics

Kirsten Hextrum & Jeremy Kim



Factors that Influence the Academic Success of College Athletes Participating in the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics

Katie Moleski, B. David Ridpath, & Lijing Yang